
BELGIUM: Deadline for submitting the corporate OSH department’s annual report

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: Deadline for submitting the corporate OSH department’s annual report

In accordance with the legislation, the corporate OSH department is required to draw up, by 31 March at the latest, an annual report on its activities in the previous calendar year. This report, signed by the employer and the head of the OSH department, must be submitted to the competent inspection services based on the location of the company’s head office.

In addition to identification data, the annual report presents (in sections 2 to 7) information on occupational injuries and on the department’s functioning. This information is intended primarily for assessment within the company by management and the consultation body. But it can provide grounds for an inspection visit if that seems appropriate.

A plan is currently being studied to modernize the content of this annual report of the corporate OSH department so as to open the way for electronic processing.

To find out more (in French)

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