
BELGIUM: For defining OSH objectives, stay SMART

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > BELGIUM: For defining OSH objectives, stay SMART

Belgian legislation relating to well-being at work requires that the operational objectives regarding occupational safety and health (OSH) be recorded in the annual action plan. Prevent mentions in an article in its PreventActua review that the SMART formula fits perfectly.

Used in various contexts (management, human resources and project management), the acronym can correspond to the following indicators:

  • Specific: Is the objective concrete and clearly formulated?
  • Measurable: Are there measurable/observable factors making it possible to check whether the objective has been achieved?
  • Acceptable: Is the objective accepted by the target group? Does it provide incentives to act?
  • Realistic: Is the objective feasible?
  • Time-limited: When (time limit) must the objective be achieved?


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