Community news|02/08/21

Body and hazard mapping in the prevention of MSDs

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Body and hazard mapping in the prevention of MSDs

Mapping is a method of collecting information in groups. An info sheet published by EU-OSHA provides an overview of body and risk mapping techniques. It highlights their value in the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The information is now available in 18 languages.

The body mapping method provides evidence from workers about the effects of work on their bodies. In terms of risks, it can point out where hazards are located. The results are useful for identifying clusters of problems that may need further investigation and for encouraging workers to discuss solutions to the problems they have reported.

The EU-OSHA fact sheet lists the resources needed to conduct a hazard or body mapping session in the workplace and provides step-by-step guidance.

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