Community news


The new draft Machinery Regulation is published

As part of its 2020 work programme, under the priority “A Europe fit for the digital age”, the European Commission planned to revise the Machinery Directive (Directive 2006/42/EC). It has just published a new draft Regulation. This revision contributes to both the digital transition and the strengthening of the single market.

Community news


The first draft regulation on AI is European

The challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are numerous. They are linked in particular to problems of explicability of algorithms, opacity of operation and complexity. In order to regulate them, a horizontal European regulation was necessary. This new regulation, the draft of which was published on 21 April 2021, is intended as a strong political act.

Community news


Future of Europe: Have your say

Resilience is definitely on the agenda. It is at the heart of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work celebrated on 28 April (see our article). And the Conference on the Future of Europe, launched in January 2020 for two years, has as its theme: “Building a more resilient Europe”. A multilingual and interactive platform, central to the Conference, has just been launched to allow for dialogue with citizens.