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Eighteen partners from eleven EU countries have developed, with the support of the European Commission, the Workbox Chrodis Plus. This consists of training for managers and a workplace toolbox. These two practical tools aim to promote the inclusion and employability of people with chronic illnesses on the one hand, and the well-being, health and work participation of employees on the other.
A training tool for company managers
It is aimed at all types of workplaces. The aim is to raise awareness among managers of the benefits of inclusion and good management in the workplace of employees suffering from or at risk of chronic diseases. The information and tools included take into account the way human beings function, personal capacities and the commonalities of chronic diseases. They help to ensure that the working environment is easy, rather than a barrier, to work in, and is more inclusive and employable for all employees. Cross-references are made to other suggestions in the toolkit.
A toolkit of solutions to implement in the workplace
The toolkit brings together 127 concrete, field-tested ways in which companies can promote the well-being and health of all employees, regardless of their fitness for work and state of health. It also helps prevent chronic health problems. It serves both as a checklist and an idea generator. The toolkit facilitates “concrete and achievable” action on nutrition, physical activity, ergonomics, mental health and well-being, recovery after work, community spirit and atmosphere, stopping smoking and reducing excessive alcohol consumption.
Both tools are available in several languages.
A training tool for company managers in English
Toolkit for the workplace in English