
DENMARK: New regulations to prevent violence against workers outside of working hours and workplaces

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > DENMARK: New regulations to prevent violence against workers outside of working hours and workplaces

A law enacted on 1 February 2015 will oblige employers to prevent the risks of violence perpetrated by people outside the firm against their employees, outside of their working hours and workplaces. The implementing decrees are due to be published very soon.

The employer will have to assess the risk by examining:

  • the functions performed by the employee, especially if, as part of his duties, the employee takes decisions that could have very significant consequences for customers, private individuals or users, for example;
  • what characterizes the people with whom the employee is in contact as part of their work, for example in the case of people whose attitude could be threatening or who could have strong reactions;
  • whether there have been precedents of external violence or threats against employees, during or outside of working hours;
  • whether, concretely, there have been situations in which a person could have manifested anger, e.g. following an appointment with an employee, who could thus be exposed to an increased risk of external violence outside of his working hours.

The employer must define guidelines, and inform and advise his employees regarding the best ways to manage episodes of external violence outside of working hours or situations leading to such episodes. He shall also offer to help the employee produce their police report if they have been a victim of violence outside of their working hours.

To find out more (in Danish)

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