
ESTONIA: Signature of an agreement for implementation of the work disability reform

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > ESTONIA: Signature of an agreement for implementation of the work disability reform

In 2013, the government launched a reform tightening the conditions of recognition of work disabilities and access to benefits. Faced with the scale of the mobilization, the following year it decided to sign with the representatives of employers, employees, social services and disabled persons an agreement in order to:

  • employ more people with reduced working capacity in the public sector and encourage private-sector employers to hire them;
  • improve the quality of social services and occupational rehabilitation;
  • raise public awareness of work disabilities

The agreement also proposes revising the regulations in the area of occupational safety and health within the next two years to improve the working conditions of disabled persons and promote health in the workplace.
The government bill is to come into force on 1 January 2016.
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