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EUROGIP becomes an Associated Member of the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > EUROGIP becomes an Associated Member of the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion

EUROGIP officially became an Associated Member of the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP) at the start of 2015. This network, which comprises national organizations of 27 countries, aims to develop and promote good work practices with regard to physical activity, nutrition, mental health, prevention of addictive drugs and other cross-cutting issues. 

EUROGIP’s candidacy was approved by the Executive Committee of the ENWHP in December. Via publications, conferences, collaboration with EU-OSHA, etc., EUROGIP has been working for several years on the issue of promoting workplace health. Since 2013, it has, in particular, taken part in a “joint European action” to promote mental health in the workplace. Its role has been to coordinate at the national level the assessment of what is done in France in terms of actions or plans in this area, by gathering the opinions of the main stakeholders: ministries, social partners, insurance companies, doctors, OSH organizations, etc. At the end of 2014, a conference was held in Berlin to compare experience and lead to proposals for concrete action by the European Commission’s Directorate General for ‘Health and Consumers’ (DG SANCO), which initiated this action.

This is the third European network in which EUROGIP takes part actively, after Euroshnet (of which it is a founding member) and the European Forum of insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

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