
GERMANY: 3.4% increase in occupational injuries in the first half of 2016

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > GERMANY: 3.4% increase in occupational injuries in the first half of 2016

According to its provisional statistics, the DGUV registered 14,156 more occupational injuries subject to reporting in the first half of 2016 than in the same period of 2015, giving a total of 434,603 occupational injuries. Travel injuries subject to reporting also increased by 4,228 cases to 91,298, which corresponds to a 4.9% increase.

In contrast, fatal injuries declined slightly, with 198 fatal occupational injuries – i.e. two less than in the first half of 2015 – and 123 travel injuries, versus 140 a year earlier. The number of new pensions paid for an occupational or travel injury was 9,089, i.e. 175 less than in the same period of the previous year.

“In the first two quarters of 2016, the labour force continued to increase, which could account for the change that we note”, said Mr Breuer, director of the DGUV. However, a trend cannot be deduced from this for the full year. “Given the constantly changing structure of employment, it is always important to provide regular risk prevention training for workers – especially new recruits”, he added.

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