
HUNGARY: one out of two workers suffering from MSDs

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > HUNGARY: one out of two workers suffering from MSDs

According to a survey carried out in 2015, one out of two Hungarian workers aged 35 or over has suffered from a musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). A high proportion of workers have performed the same type of work during at least 10 years, which considerably increases the risk of developing an MSD.

Leaning repeatedly (57%), remaining standing (53%) or being in continuous movement (52%) are the most frequent causes of regular or recurring pains. Moreover, these causes account for 18% of long-term sick leaves. Blue-collar workers are the most affected, 54% of them, versus 34% for white-collar workers.

The survey reveals that specific types of articular pains may be associated with certain occupations: office staff most commonly suffer tendinitis in the neck and shoulder, nurses suffer disc hernias, waiters and sales staff suffer knee pains, workers in cold conditions arthritis, etc.

The Association of Hungarian Physiotherapists, which commissioned this study, had asked for a study in 2014 on city dwellers aged 35 to 60. Here again, half of the respondents declared they had suffered from an MSD. The most frequent complaint concerned the knees (36%), followed by back aches (26%) and shoulder pains (20%).

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