
Is 75kg for one person the reality?

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Is 75kg for one person the reality?

In many standards, the assumed weight of the individual is 75kg. An analysis by KAN shows that adjustments are needed to this figure, both in the standards and in EU legislation.

Indeed, according to current anthropometric data, 75 kg no longer corresponds to recent scientific advances. In addition, research into European standards and regulations has confirmed that while 75 kg is frequently quoted, it can range from 50 to 360 kg for an individual.

This is particularly problematic for the many products designed to carry or (re)hold people. If the requirements of standards or tests refer to 75 kg, use by people weighing more than this may be dangerous.

So is it enough to solve the problem by specifying a different value in the standards? “It is not as simple as that” says KAN. There are cases in which the supposedly highest value is not relevant. These include cases where there must be a trigger point for low weights as well, such as for a seat suspension or a pressure sensor that edges a machine when stepped on. The question also arises as to what the “right” weight is.

The research results will first be discussed within KAN. The aim is to formulate recommendations for standardisation and to influence EU legislation (e.g. in the automotive sector), which is often used as a basis for standards.


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