
ITALY: A sharp increase in MSDs in the trade sector

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > ITALY: A sharp increase in MSDs in the trade sector

INAIL devoted the latest issue of its statistical review Dati Inail to the wholesale and retail trade, the most hazardous service sector activity, ahead of healthcare and transport. Of the 2743 cases of occupational diseases reported in 2013 in the trade sector, 2194 concerned work-related MSDs: unsuitable postures, repetitive movements, and the lifting or handling of loads. Topping the list are tendinitis conditions (40.3%) and intervertebral disc conditions (28.7%).    

Note that stress can contribute to the occurrence of MSDs, and shop workers are especially prone to stress because of work on legal holidays, shift work, working hours which often extend into the evening, and constant interaction with customers. Mental disorders represent 2.3% of all reports for the sector.
To find out more (in Italian)

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