Community news|20/12/17

New regulations on mobile machinery road traffic

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > New regulations on mobile machinery road traffic

The European Commission is working on new draft legislation aimed at harmonizing the road traffic safety requirements for lifting and handling equipment, earthmoving machinery, mobile cranes and industrial forklift trucks.

Although many aspects have been harmonized, “road safety requirements” such as lights, brakes, the steering system and dimensions are currently regulated on the national level. Manufacturers must therefore comply with requirements which vary from one EU country to another, resulting in administrative costs and regulatory expenses for the manufacturers and road safety problems for those EU countries with the strictest rules.

In June 2017 the European Commission entered into discussions with the stakeholders to study the potential effects of a change from the existing national regulatory approaches to harmonized EU legislation. Another workshop is scheduled for 9 February 2018 in Brussels.

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