Community news


EU: promoting decent work

The Commission has just presented a Communication on decent work, which reaffirms the EU's commitment to decent work, both inside and outside its borders. The elimination of child and forced labour is at the heart of this effort.

Community news


France to hold EU presidency for six months

For the 12th time since 1959, France will hold the Presidency of the European Union from 1 January to 30 June 2022. In this capacity, France is responsible for organizing and chairing meetings with the ministers of the Member States by area of activity…



BELGIUM: Civil servants have “right to disconnect”

From 1 February next, federal civil servants, whether statutory, trainee, proxy or contractual, will have a “right to disconnect”. This new legislative provision is the result of "the conviction that the increasing use of digital tools outside working hours" can be a major source of stress.



GERMANY: an in-depth evaluation of the “Kommitmensch” campaign

The project was ambitious. Under the slogan “kommmitmensch”, which could be translated as “come with me”, the DGUV and the professional associations and accident insurance funds jointly conducted a four-year campaign to increase the prevention culture in companies, especially SMEs. This campaign is now being thoroughly evaluated.