Community news


ECHA: five new chemicals of concern added to the list

On 23 January 2024, the European Chemicals Agency extended the list of substances of very high concern for man or the environment that are candidates for authorisation to include five chemicals. One is toxic to reproduction, three are very persistent and bioaccumulative, and one presents multiple risks.

Community news


Napo in… Fire alarm!

In this new animated film, Napo, the boss, and his colleagues guide us through the basic rules of fire and explosion protection in the workplace.



Very different levels of reporting of occupational injuries in Europe

EUROGIP has published the updated estimates (2019-2021) of a new analysis of the phenomenon of under-reporting of accidents at work resulting in more than three days' absence from work in Europe. The results confirm that reporting levels vary widely from country to country (from less than 10% to almost 100%).