Community news


Declaration on the future of the European set of social rights

At the high-level conference in La Hulpe in mid-April, the European Parliament, the European Commission, Belgium on behalf of the 25 EU Member States, the European Economic and Social Committee, the ETUC, SGI Europe, SME United and the Social Platform signed a declaration on the future of the European Social Rights Floor.



GERMANY: a national day of action against the heat

Heat stress is often underestimated. Heat can not only limit the performance of workers, but in some cases it can even put their lives at risk, especially in the case of strenuous physical work. A number of federal and state organisations are therefore organising a national Heat Action Day on 5 June 2024.



NETHERLANDS: working safely and healthily in hot weather

Safety is a priority for the Construction company BAM, including the risks associated with heat and the sun. That's why it has a special protocol: protection, vests with cooling gel, longer breaks, awareness-raising material, unlimited water and sun cream, etc.



BELGIUM: Case law on PSR since 2016

The Federal Public Service (FPS) Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue has compiled a collection of case law on psychosocial risks at work (PSR) from the labour courts from 2016 to 2023. The first collection covered the period from 2003 to 2010.