
OHS standardisation: some good tips for reaching consensus

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > OHS standardisation: some good tips for reaching consensus

One of the essential missions of the French “accidents at work/occupational diseases” insurance is to prevent occupational risks. In this context, it has been delegating experts from its institutions (CARSAT, CRAMIF, INRS, EUROGIP) to contribute to the development of occupational health and safety (OHS) standards for many years.

Why do they do this? Because the OHS standards applied by manufacturers make it possible to integrate safety into the design of products, in this case mainly machines and personal protective equipment. EUROGIP coordinates the work of the experts. It provides them with all the assistance they need for their mission at French, European or international level.

A brochure published for them gives them some advice, including:

  • defining in advance the resources to be devoted to the standardisation mission: time to be devoted, level of involvement in relation to other missions
  • knowing as much as possible about how standardisation works, what is at stake, the key stages, the levers, the informal rules that are essential in obtaining a consensus, etc.
  • having an attitude that is adapted to being able to join the working group: postures, ability to convince, observation, possible sponsorship, use of English, highlighting one’s expertise in prevention, making the most of experience in the field and more theoretical knowledge…
  • relying on the technical and scientific data available: take into account the facts but also the regulations, favour a multidisciplinary approach, etc.
  • using all possible media.

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