Community news|28/07/21

Preventing risks related to static postures at work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Preventing risks related to static postures at work

According to the 2019 ESENER survey, the 2nd most frequently reported risk factor in the EU-27 is prolonged sitting. Furthermore, Eurostat data from 2017 showed that one in five workers in the EU (i.e. 20%) spent most of their working time standing. Our bodies need to move.

At work too, it is important to avoid static postures, whether sitting – to prevent problems such as low back pain, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, obesity, breast and colon cancer… – or standing.

As part of its 2020-2022 campaign on the prevention of work-related MSDs, EU-OSHA has published two new reports which examine:

  • which workers are most exposed to static positions
  • what actions should be taken in relation to sitting and standing,
  • how employers can prevent risks and help employees to increase their physical activity.

MSD and prolonged static sitting at work

MSD and prolonged static standing at work

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