Community news|19/01/16

Safety as of the primary school with Napo

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Safety as of the primary school with Napo

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has produced a set of educational tools to help teachers raise awareness of the importance of health and safety among children aged 7 to 11 years.

The Napo videos for teachers provide an amusing approach to the issue. The educational toolboxes contain detailed instructions, ideas for activities and the accompanying resources, which can be downloaded, in order to provide teachers and educators with the necessary support and advice to incorporate health and safety messages in existing programmes.

For EU-OSHA, it is essential to initiate children in health and safety in order to teach them good habits in this area as of a very young age.

Resources for the 7-9 age group:

  • Napo and “workplace health and safety” signage (lesson 1: danger/prohibition signboards; lesson 2: obligation/emergency signboards)
  • Take care of your body with Napo (the skin; the back)

For the 9-11 age group

  • Napo and the hunt for hazards (identifying risks and hazards; Intervention and prevention)

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