
SPAIN: a new strategy for occupational safety and health 2023-2027

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SPAIN: a new strategy for occupational safety and health 2023-2027

At the end of February, the government and the social partners signed the 2023-2027 strategy for safety and health at work. The strategy “is based on two fundamental pillars: prevention and collaboration, with a global approach, and the equal protection of the physical and mental health of workers”, said the Minister of Labour and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz.

The strategy has been developed around six strategic objectives:

  • Improving the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases
  • Managing the changes brought about by new forms of work organisation, demographic change and climate change
  • Improving health and safety management in SMEs and for the self-employed
  • Strengthening the protection of workers in the most vulnerable situations
  • Introducing a gender perspective in the field of occupational safety and health
  • Strengthening the national occupational health and safety system to cope successfully with future crises.

It is also worth noting that mental health appears for the first time among the priorities and the launch of a national programme for the prevention of occupational cancers.

The government and the social partners will draw up an action plan for the next two years. “An emergency according to the Secretary for Occupational Health, Ana García de la Torre, who recalled that in 2022, 826 people died at work. This is 121 more than the previous year, an increase of 17.2% in fatal accidents”, according to IR Notes.

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