
SPAIN: the anxiety of a supermarket employee recognised as accident at work

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > SPAIN: the anxiety of a supermarket employee recognised as accident at work

The provincial directorate of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) of Vizcaya recognised as an occupational injury “several periods of absence due to anxiety” of an employee in charge of the management of two Eroski City supermarkets in Muskiz.

After several visits to the city’s health centre, the employee was finally diagnosed by the psychiatric department as suffering from anxiety and depression requiring medication. The periods of sick leave recognised as an occupational injury are from 8 October to 22 November 2018, from 20 March to 9 July 2019 and from 26 August 2019 to 9 July 2020.

At the end of 2019, the Vizcaya Labour and Social Security Inspectorate recognised “the existence of a situation of conflict at work between the parties”. The company was therefore warned to activate the conflict resolution protocol developed by the prevention service.

In addition, the CC.OO. Trade Union requested that special attention be paid to the psychosocial risks arising from the conflictual relations between the company and the workers in the commerce sector, where such problems tend to occur frequently.

Source (in Spanish)

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