Community news|14/01/16

The EPSCO priorities of the Dutch presidency of the EU

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > The EPSCO priorities of the Dutch presidency of the EU

On 6 January the Dutch presidency of the Council of the European Union published its action priorities for its mandate covering the first half of 2016. Regarding the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), the package on worker mobility, “to which the Dutch presidency assigns major importance”, will appear in the Commission’s work programme for 2016.

It includes, in particular, a proposal for a targeted reform of the directive relating to worker posting and a reform of the social security coordination rules designed to combat fraud by improving application of the regulations.

The Dutch presidency also aims to combat occupational cancers by protecting workers from a larger number of carcinogenic substances, which requires amending the directive on carcinogens and mutagens.

Website of the Dutch presidency of the EU

Programme of the Dutch presidency

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