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The EUROGIP Annual Report 2020 is online

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > The EUROGIP Annual Report 2020 is online

“2020 was an unprecedented year for everyone”, says Raphaël Haeflinger, Director of EUROGIP. Indeed, the health crisis had an obvious impact on achievement of the objectives initially planned. “It also led us to innovate in work processes to ensure the continuation of our numerous activities.”

EUROGIP has been very active in playing its role as a resource centre for occupational risks in Europe. In this period of pandemic, it has collected information on the measures put in place outside our borders in terms of prevention of the risks of contamination at work, the mechanisms for recognising Covid-19 as an occupational injury or the regulations applicable to protective masks. “We launched benchmarks and responded to numerous requests from our partners on these issues.”

“More than ever, it proved important to have knowledge of extranational practices, when every country had to manage the crisis and, in most cases, innovate in their insurance and prevention practices”.

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