
The first voluntary standard in the world on open-space acoustics is French

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > The first voluntary standard in the world on open-space acoustics is French

The standardization work carried out in the AFNOR committee has led to the first voluntary standard in the world to improve the sound quality of open office spaces.

The S31-199 standard on “Acoustics – Acoustic performance of open office spaces” proposes an acoustic analysis of the main types of activities most frequent in open spaces: telephone conversations, collaborative work, and reception of the public. For each of these types, the standard issues recommendations to improve employees’ acoustic comfort.

The French standard “attracted professionals worldwide. Many countries are already interested in taking part in the production of the first international standard on the acoustics of open work spaces!”, said Yoan Le Muet, chairman of the AFNOR S30D standardization committee on “Acoustics in workplaces”. 

To find out more (in French)


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