Community news|30/08/23

Work-related cardiovascular disease and depression in Europe: an ETUI study

Home > The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe > Work-related cardiovascular disease and depression in Europe: an ETUI study

A research project funded by ETUI, the European Trade Union Institute, aimed to estimate the proportion and annual burden of cardiovascular disease and depression attributable to occupational exposure in Europe.

It covers 2015 in the EU-28 countries (including the United Kingdom), with the aim of finding out:

  • the proportion of diseases attributable to stress at work, effort-reward imbalance, job insecurity, long working hours and harassment, both in each country and in all countries combined;
  • the annual burden attributable to the five psychosocial occupational exposures in terms of prevalence, deaths, years of life lost, years of life lost due to disability and disability-adjusted life years.

The fractions attributable to depression were all significant in the EU-28: stress at work (16%), job insecurity (9%), bullying (9%), and effort-reward imbalance (6%). Those for cardiovascular disease (including coronary/ischaemic heart disease (CHD), stroke, atrial fibrillation, peripheral arterial disease, venous thromboembolism) ranged from 1% to 11%.

Differences in attributable fractions were observed between countries and between the sexes.

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