Community news, Covid-19 News


Covid-19, telework and OHS

In a new report, EU-OSHA takes stock of occupational safety and health related to telework and in particular the increased risk of psychosocial disorders and musculoskeletal disorders in the face of the unprecedented spread of this form of work organisation following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Community news, Covid-19 News


Right to disconnect: a new Eurofound report

In this report, Eurofound takes stock of the right to disconnect in companies, illustrating it with practical cases. Since the Covid-19 crisis, more than one in three Europeans work from home.

Community news


World OSH Congress: final programme available

The 22nd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work (OSH) will open on 20 September on the issue: “Prevention in the Connected Age - Global solutions to achieve safe and healthy work for all”. The final programme is now available.