Community news


Remote work and OSH: available resources

At a time when negotiations for a new European framework agreement on telework have just been suspended, EU-OSHA's three publications on telework and occupational safety and health (OSH) take on their full importance.

Community news


Public consultation on the European Labour Authority (ETA)

In compliance with Regulation 2019/1149, the European Commission must carry out an evaluation of the European Labour Authority’s performance, that started operating in mid-2019. With respect of this evaluation, due by 1 August 2024 (and every 5 years after that), the Commission launched a call for evidence for public feedback by 5 January 2024.

Community news


Working at home and OHS with a new OiRA tool

Teleworking has developed strongly since the COVID-19 pandemic, transforming the way companies operate and employees work. However, the issue of occupational health and safety (OHS) remains fundamental. A new interactive online risk assessment tool (OiRA) offers a practical solution for employers and teleworkers, helping them to create safer and healthier home workspaces.