

What are the rules in the different countries for working in hot weather?

As heatwaves become more frequent and intense, how can the health and safety of workers exposed to them be safeguarded? Above what temperature should action be taken? What action should be taken? The new EUROGIP report provides an overview of the answers to these questions in more than 25 countries around the world.



DENMARK: campaign against digital harassment in the workplace

These include threats and other offensive behaviour such as unpleasant and derogatory comments, blackmail, hate messages, harassment, including sexual harassment, etc. Digital harassment via e-mail, telephone, websites and social media has affected 28% of employees over the past 12 months, according to data from the National Observatory of the Working Environment for Employees (NOA-L).



FRANCE: “From school to work: it’s your turn to film

The “Health and safety at work: from school to work, it's up to you to film” competition organised by the French National Institute for Research and Safety (INRS) aims to raise awareness among young people (in vocational lycées and apprentice training centres, CFAs) of the risks to which they are exposed when they first enter the world of work. The 11th edition closed at the end of May.



New EUROGIP study on the recognition of work-related mental disorders in Europe

It is now accepted that working conditions can have an impact on workers' mental health. The prevention of psychosocial risks has therefore become a priority in many countries. But the question of recognising psychological diseases as work-related is far from being unanimously accepted in Europe. EUROGIP devoted its latest study to this issue.