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Useful links

Useful websites in the field of occupational risk insurance and prevention classified by organizations at the European level, in the Member States and outside Europe.
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OSH standardization

EUROGIP coordinates and oversees the work of “standardization” experts from French Occupational Injury Insurance. The standard is a tool for prevention that helps to improve health and safety in the workplaces of tomorrow. It does so by allowing the incorporation of safety into design phase of products. This is why the Occupational Injury Branch involves...
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This activity consists of: Responding to calls for tenders or European proposals, coordinating French and foreign experts, following up with the customer and delivering the finished product. Performing services on behalf of organizations who have replied to bids. This configuration is the most common. Assisting the Occupational Injury Branch (CNAM/INRS/CARSAT-CRAMIF) in the installation folder for...
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Monitoring and information

Health and safety at work, prevention of occupational risks, insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases… Monitoring and information on these subjects at the European level are essential components of our mission. The aim is to make relevant data or information available and thus share knowledge. EUROGIP relies on a large network of foreign...
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Our Activities

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Who are we?

EUROGIP is an observatory and a resource centre on questions relating to the insurance and prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases at international, and in particular European, level. It is a key player in this field, with no equivalent in Europe. Formed in 1991 as part of the “Occupational injuries Branch” of the...
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Front page

EUROGIP is both an observatory and a resource centre on best practices for occupational injury prevention and insurance on the international level and especially in Europe. Learn more
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The news of EUROGIP and occupational risks in Europe

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ITALY: towards a points-based safety licence?

Following the example of the demerit driving licence, where the number of demerits decreases with the number of offences committed, the Italian government wants to introduce a demerit safety licence, initially for construction companies, with a possible extension to other sectors later.

Community news


Human-robot interaction: what changes in the workplace?

A recent Eurofound report, based on surveys and case studies, adds to the debate on the automation of work. It highlights the new interactions between workers and robots and the resulting changes in organisation and working conditions.

Community news


BusinessEurope’s position on teleworking and the right to disconnect

On 25 June, BusinessEurope responded to the European Commission's consultation on the right to disconnect, pointing out that over-regulation could hamper the growth and benefits of teleworking and arguing for minimal EU intervention, leaving Member States, social partners and companies to develop their own policies.



GERMANY: The importance of reporting traumatic events at work

A colleague falls off a ladder. A nurse is stopped and threatened. A train driver hits a cyclist crossing the tracks at high speed. These incidents can cause trauma and feelings of fear, powerlessness and guilt. They need to be reported in order to provide support for those affected.



AUSTRIA: More accidents at work and on the way to work in 2023

According to data published by the Austrian Social insurance for occupational injuries (AUVA) in mid-June, 145,748 claims were registered last year, broken down as follows 29,866 accidents (at work and and students), 13,062 commuting accidents and 2,820 cases of occupational diseases. While the number of accidents (at work and on the way to work) has increased, the number of occupational diseases has decreased compared to 2022.



GERMANY: in 2023, the number of fatal accidents at work and commuting accidents was lower than ever before

The number of accidents at work in 2023 to declare was lower than in 2019: 783,426 compared with 871,547. This is a record number if we exclude the years 2020 to 2022, which were heavily influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of fatal accidents at work and on the way to work was also at an all-time low, and the number of occupational diseases reported and recognised fell sharply.



DENMARK: faster processing of workers’ compensation claims

New rules, which come into force on 1 July, are designed to give victims of accidents at work a quicker response to their claim for compensation. From now on, employers, doctors and local authorities will be liable to a fine if they fail to provide information within the statutory time limit, i.e. no later than 14 days after the first day of absence, if the accident has resulted in the employee being unable to work or absent from work after the day of the accident.


EUROGIP Discussions 2019 – “OSH: what levers for a culture of prevention in the workplace?”, 21 March 2019, Paris (France)

The EUROGIP Discussions (“Les Débats d’EUROGIP”) on 21 March 2019 will take stock of international, national and sectoral approaches in this area.

The contributors will present different actions as the support provided by occupational injury and health insurers in Germany, Austria, Italy, France and Denmark, the financial incentives provided as well as the occupational health and safety management standards. Companies from different sizes and sectors of activity will share their practices in favour of a culture of prevention.

Simultaneous translation French / English will be provided

Programme and registration


REGISTER: The next EUROGIP Discussions will be held on 21 March 2019

The 2019 EUROGIP Discussions (“Les Débats d’EUROGIP”) will be held on Thursday 21 March in Paris, on the theme of “Occupational health and safety: what levers for a culture of prevention at the workplace?”.

They will permit a review of what is meant by “culture of prevention” on the international, national and sector levels, and a description of examples of systems applied by our Italian, Austrian and German neighbours, such as financial incentives, guidance for SMEs and guidelines to help companies improve occupational safety and health.

Companies of all sizes and in different sectors of activity will give a first-hand account of their practices in favour of a culture of prevention.

Programme forthcoming in early December, and registration online on www.eurogip.fr


“Wellbeing at Work in a changing world: challenges and opportunities”, 22-24 May 2019, Paris (France)

Fifth International Conference on Wellbeing at Work hosted by French National Research and Safety Institute (INRS) and organised with the support of Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health (PEROSH) and its Wellbeing and Work Project Group.

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“Standardization for Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials for safer products, production and uses”, 2 October 2018, Brussels

CEN/TC 352 “Nanotechnologies” is proud to announce the 3rd open meeting on “Standardization for Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials for safer products, production and uses”, organized in Brussels on 2nd October 2018.

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