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ETUC calls for legislation on psychosocial risks

“A directive to end stress at work must be a priority for the next European Commission if it really wants to improve mental health in Europe”. This is the call from the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to mark European Mental Health Week.

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PrevenOS&H preventive services: the professionals’ perspective

An article published by EU-OSHA presents the point of view of professionals in 11 European countries (Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Spain) on the role of preventive services (internal and external) in supporting compliance with OS&H legislation.

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Council gives final green light to first global rules on AI

Today, 21 May 2024, the Council approved a groundbreaking regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) that follows a “risk-based” approach. This means that the greater the risk of harm to society, the stricter the rules. It is the first of its kind in the world.

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Declaration on the future of the European set of social rights

At the high-level conference in La Hulpe in mid-April, the European Parliament, the European Commission, Belgium on behalf of the 25 EU Member States, the European Economic and Social Committee, the ETUC, SGI Europe, SME United and the Social Platform signed a declaration on the future of the European Social Rights Floor.



GERMANY: a national day of action against the heat

Heat stress is often underestimated. Heat can not only limit the performance of workers, but in some cases it can even put their lives at risk, especially in the case of strenuous physical work. A number of federal and state organisations are therefore organising a national Heat Action Day on 5 June 2024.


2nd International Symposium to Advance Total Worker Health®, 8-11 May 2018, Bethesda (Maryland) USA

The International Symposium to Advance Total Worker Health is the only NIOSH-sponsored public conference focused solely on advancing Total Worker Health research, practice, policies, and programs.

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EUROGIP Discussions 2018 “Digital and OS&H in Europe”, 15 March 2018, Paris (France)

The programme of the next EUROGIP Discussions that will take place on 15 March 2018 and will focus on Digital transformation and health and safety at work in Europe – Challenges and opportunities is published.

The digital transformation is changing our daily lives, from a personal or professional point of view. What is its impact on health and safety at work? While this aspect is still rarely dealt with, it will be at the heart of our next European Discussions.

The roundtables will address various aspects: the influence of ICTs onwork organization, the opportunities offered by the digital technologyto prevent occupational risks, the insurance against occupational injuries of digital platform workers, the point of view of European social partners…

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11th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, 5th-8th June 2018, Bordeaux (France)


Better Understanding of Workplace Bullying and Harassment in a Changing World

5th June 2018 : Pre-conference Doctoral Workshop and SIG meetings
6th – 8th June 2018 : Conference keynotes, symposia, workshops and presentation sessions

Simultaneous translation in French, Spanish and English.

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Raphaël Haeflinger, Director of EUROGIP, and the whole team wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year in 2018!

At end-January, watch for the first Eurogip Infos issue of the year discussing occupational risks in Europe, and on 15 March 2018 the EUROGIP Discussions on the theme of “Digital economy and OS&H in Europe: Challenges and opportunities”.