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Upcoming events

Due to the health crisis, this section will not be updated until further notice.
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Legal notices

You are on the website www.eurogip.fr   The website “eurogip.fr” and all its components are the property of EUROGIP – Head office: 51 avenue des Gobelins 75013 Paris – Phone: (33) 1 40 56 30 40 E-mail address: eurogip@eurogip.fr Public interest grouping whose mandate is published in the “Journal Officiel” (official gazette). SIRET ID No.: 18003509900043 APE activity...
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EUROGIP carries out studies and surveys on topics related to current events. It is also according to the needs of its founding members (CNAM/DRP & INRS) and the European Forum of the insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases. Two themes have been particularly dealt with: Occupational Diseases in Europe : the reporting requirements, recognition...
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Our network

Over the years, we have built up a strong network of contacts. This is particularly true with regard to national and European bodies connected to the field of insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases as well as prevention of occupational risks. We rely on this network to develop our activity.
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EC Certification of Machinery and PPE

Notified Bodies to the European Commission are responsible for assessing the conformity of certain products defined in the directives. There are National and European coordination structures of these bodies that are designed to harmonize the practices of bodies and to ensure the high level of safety of these products. At the French level, by authority...
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International relations coordination

EUROGIP was entrusted with a new task of coordinating the international relations of the Occupational Injuries Branch by the Occupational Risks Department (DRP) of the CNAM (National Health Insurance Fund) at the end of 2018. Within this framework, it works in partnership with the actors concerned: DRP, INRS, CARSAT. Our mission consists in particular in:...
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Communication and external relations

EUROGIP develops and maintains privileged relations with the bodies and organisations concerned by occupational risks, whether at Community level or in other EU countries or even beyond. The aim is to promote the exchange of information, views and experience. EUROGIP can thus rely on a network of experts for its various activities. The aim is...
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Community news


BusinessEurope’s position on teleworking and the right to disconnect

On 25 June, BusinessEurope responded to the European Commission's consultation on the right to disconnect, pointing out that over-regulation could hamper the growth and benefits of teleworking and arguing for minimal EU intervention, leaving Member States, social partners and companies to develop their own policies.



GERMANY: The importance of reporting traumatic events at work

A colleague falls off a ladder. A nurse is stopped and threatened. A train driver hits a cyclist crossing the tracks at high speed. These incidents can cause trauma and feelings of fear, powerlessness and guilt. They need to be reported in order to provide support for those affected.



AUSTRIA: More accidents at work and on the way to work in 2023

According to data published by the Austrian Social insurance for occupational injuries (AUVA) in mid-June, 145,748 claims were registered last year, broken down as follows 29,866 accidents (at work and and students), 13,062 commuting accidents and 2,820 cases of occupational diseases. While the number of accidents (at work and on the way to work) has increased, the number of occupational diseases has decreased compared to 2022.



GERMANY: in 2023, the number of fatal accidents at work and commuting accidents was lower than ever before

The number of accidents at work in 2023 to declare was lower than in 2019: 783,426 compared with 871,547. This is a record number if we exclude the years 2020 to 2022, which were heavily influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic. The number of fatal accidents at work and on the way to work was also at an all-time low, and the number of occupational diseases reported and recognised fell sharply.



DENMARK: faster processing of workers’ compensation claims

New rules, which come into force on 1 July, are designed to give victims of accidents at work a quicker response to their claim for compensation. From now on, employers, doctors and local authorities will be liable to a fine if they fail to provide information within the statutory time limit, i.e. no later than 14 days after the first day of absence, if the accident has resulted in the employee being unable to work or absent from work after the day of the accident.

Community news


ETUC calls for legislation on psychosocial risks

“A directive to end stress at work must be a priority for the next European Commission if it really wants to improve mental health in Europe”. This is the call from the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to mark European Mental Health Week.


EPICOH 2021, October 25-28, 2021 (on line)

28th International Symposium on Epidemiology in Occupational Health
From the Workplace to the Population: Exposure and Prevention

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XXII World Congress on Safety and Health at work, 20-23 September 2021

Early registration is open for this digital event. For the first time ever, the World Congress will offer Braindate, a unique networking tool will allow for a dynamic new approach to networking.

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Launch of World OSH Day 2021, 28 April (webinar)

Webinar “Anticipate, prepare and respond to crises – Invest Now in Resilient Occupational Safety and Health Systems” organized by ILO

28 April 2021 – 13:30 to 14:45 CET

English, French, Spanish




XXII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work: COVID-19 and OSH, virtual session, 5-6 October 2020

The International Organizing Committee of the Congress decided to organize a virtual session on “COVID-19 and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)”.

The International Festival of Media for Prevention will also be on the program. Special sessions organized by the ILO and the ISSA. Translations into French, German, English and Spanish will be provided.

Registration early September 2020

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OSH policy indicators, Online expert workshop, 16 October 2020

ONLINE expert workshop: Occupational Safety and Health Policy Indicators, organized by CIOP-PIB, within Perosh.

The online expert workshop will take place on Friday 16 October between 9 am and 3 pm (CET). The deadline for application is 13 September 2020.

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SHO2020 – International Symposium Occupational safety and hygiene, July 2020 (virtual)

The symposium was postponed to 16-17 July in a virtual way.

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European OSH Symposium “Vision Zero in the Waste Industry”, 23-24 October 2019, Hamburg (Germany)

ISSA Prevention Event

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Save the date: 12 March 2020

The next EUROGIP Discussions (“Les Débats d’EUROGIP”) will be held on 12 March 2020. They will focus on the prevention of occupational risks to which workers in the service of dependent persons in Europe are exposed.

Pre-program will be published soon.

Find out more about our previous conferences